Best of the Internet

The Sea Shell mobile app doesn’t just show you the same content you already see on other social media apps. It offers you so much more than just articles, memes, videos, reviews, and art.

We will excite you with the best the internet has to offer, including wholesome stories, fun facts, encouraging phrases, and so much more!

Sea Shell is comprised of the very best content that the internet has to offer:

  • Today: holidays, historic occurrences, birthdays, deaths

  • Award winners to inspire you

  • Positive tales: good things happening in the world that don’t get enough attention

  • Did you know: interesting things that aren’t common knowledge

  • Great people you don’t know: current and historic people that have interesting and impressive stories you may not have heard

  • Quotes: empowering, historic, or just plain funny

  • How it works: go under the hood to understand how things function

  • Improve your life: learn new skills and ideas to better your person

  • Best of lists

  • Blasts from the past